<< Back to Results | Currently Viewing -  MLS Number: 26030263 A (Active)
Listing Photo 26030263
Contact Information
For more information about this listing, please use the contact information listed below.
Ralph Allison
(C) (828) 507-2005
(H) (828) 586-8615
Dillsboro NC 28725
(M) (828) 586-3442
(F) (828) 586-2494
PO Box 366
Dillsboro NC 28725

Agent Photo 2590488
Co-Listing Agent:
Jack Debnam
(C) (828) 586-3442
Dillsboro NC 287250366
Co-Listing Office:
(M) (828) 586-3442
(F) (828) 586-2494
PO Box 366
Dillsboro NC 28725
Listing Tools
Listing Details
MLS Number: 26030263
List Price: $50,000
Subdivision: None
Township: River (Jackson Co.)
City: Tuckasegee
State: NC
Zip Code: 28783
Apx Acreage Range: 10-14.99
Type: Land, Timber, Wooded Lot
Topography: Branch/Stream, Hilly/Steep
Area: River
Listing Office: WESTERN CAROLINA PROPERTIES-Dillsboro (#:2598)
Listing Agent: Ralph Allison (#:16)
Remarks: Tuckasegee NC- 10.53 Acres of unrestricted mountain land located in the southern part of Jackson County. Close to 5 lakes. Short drive Cashiers NC, shorter drive to Cullowhee NC. Currently there is no confirmed right of way to this property, attorney is working on that issue.